China calls for promoting exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations and religions through various means, such as holding a conference for dialogues among Asian civilizations, so that they will be able to draw on each others strength and achieve common progress. 中方倡议通过召开亚洲文明对话大会等方式,推动不同文明、不同宗教交流互鉴、取长补短、共同进步。
Probing the Problem of Mutual Holding between Bank and Enterprise 银企相互持股问题的探析
Legal Rules on Mutual Holding Shares of Parent Company and Subsidiary Company 母子公司相互持股之法律规制
Unreasonable Distribution caused by Mutual Stock Holding 互相持股所引起的不合理分配
It aimed at dialectical analysis to the mutual relationship between the out_inter strenth on the Korea Peninsula, offer a kind of thinking on holding accurately the situation of the korea peninsula and make greater contributions to the solution of the problem of Korea Peninsula at last. 目的是通过朝鲜半岛外部力量和内部力量之间的互动关系进行辩证的分析,为准确把握朝鲜半岛形势提供一种思路,并为最终解决半岛问题作出微薄的贡献。
Second, the problem of mutual holding serious in the issue of China's commercial banks financing subordinated debt, mainly caused system risk, the risk of moral hazard and liquidity risks. 其次,我国商业银行次级债的发行互持问题严重,主要是银行间相互持有次级债所引发的系统风险、道德风险和流动性风险。
Third, a mutual holding company laws of Regulation System. 第三,建立我国公司相互持股法律规制制度的思考。
In the period of the mutual confrontation of the National Party and the Communism Party, the mode of college music education evolved from single teaching into student associations leading, teachers and musicians directing concerts appreciation and holding lectures for complementary. 进入到国共对峙时期,普通高校音乐教育模式从单一的传授模式发展成以学生社团为主,以教师、音乐家指导欣赏音乐会、开办讲座为辅的多种形式的教育模式。
The Integration of Industry-Finance Capital ( IIFC) has been realized an economic mechanism which can achieve the full utilization of resources and improve overall efficiency significantly through mutual shareholding holding and personal participant between industry sectors and finance sectors. 产融结合是产业部门和金融部门通过互相参股、持股、控股和人事参与等方式实现资源的充分利用和整体效益显著提高的经济机制。
However, China lags behind the relevant legal norms, mutual holding company legislation is nearly blank, urgent need to fill with sound. 然而,我国相关法律规范滞后,公司间相互持股的立法几乎处于空白状态,亟待填补与完善。